Blockscout News: May 2024

Blockscout news updates May 2024

Hello fellow explorers ☀️! Suddenly it's summer and blockchain conference season is in full swing... in the meantime Blockscout has been shipping 🚢.

In May we released a major frontend update with big UI improvements and a backend release that optimizes data fetching 🐶 and supports diamonds 💎. We also received generous public goods funding for our open-source efforts, and collaborated with some amazing projects to bring more data accessibility and views to Blockscout!

TL;DR This Month's Topics

  • Major Blockscout releases improve backend data fetching and frontend usability.
  • Grant funding from Gitcoin, Giveth, & Optimism ❤️
  • Chain updates from Blast, Degen Chain, Gelato, Prom and SKALE and partner updates from Noves, DexCheck AI, SolidityScan, and SPACE ID.
  • It's conference season 😎 with highlights & video from Dappcon and upcoming events at ETH Belgrade, Web3 Security Summit & ETHCC.
  • Community spotlight: Huynh Danh shares Blockscout with the Vietnamese community.
  • ✈️ Telegram Premium Giveaways!

Major Blockscout Releases

Backend v6.6.0

Blockscout backend release 6.6.0

v 6.6.0 introduces a number of improvements to Blockscout's data fetching processes including new table fields and ENVs to support different configs. Metadata and NFT fetching intervals and timeouts can now be set more effectively, improving explorer performance. Diamond proxy (EIP-2535) support is added and will be integrated into the UI shortly. All in all 13 new features and a host of 🐛 fixes are a part of in this release, get the details here.

Frontend 1.30

Blockscout UI

The latest major frontend release v1.30.0 brings support for Polygon zkEVM, csv exports for token holders, multi-chain wallet views, and interactive public tags. Contextual data and convenient cross-linking is bringing a big-picture view to addresses on Blockscout - for example with a new Farcaster integration for integrated wallets on the Base network.

Learn more about the latest UI features in our dedicated blog post ⬇️

Blockscout Block Explorer UI Latest Features
Blockscout’s latest UI includes support for the Polygon zkEVM, token holder csv exports, multi-chain wallet views and more features in development.

Grant Funding Updates

  • Gitcoin Grants Round 20 wrapped up on May 7 and was a big success for Blockscout. We received $2,388 from 738 individual donors, along with a generous matching pool of $17,741! This was the 3rd highest matching allocation in the round thanks to quadratic funding and the outpouring of support from so many contributors to our open-source explorer cause. Thank you 🙏 community and Blockscout fam 🤗, we couldn't do it without you!
  • We participated in our first ever Giveth funding round - Galactic Giving - and received donations from individuals across the chainbow 🌈 - Optimism, Polygon, Arbitrum, Ethereum and Gnosis! Giveth continues to introduce novel fundraising mechanics and supports a wide range of projects doing good in the world. We're excited to continue our participation and growing our network and presence there!
  • Optimism Retro Funding has been a game changer for Blockscout. This month we wrote a blog post about our collaboration with Optimism featuring a brief history, some new features in development, the power of multiple explorers, and the virtuous cycle of retro funding. Read it here 🔴

Partners & Projects

Chain updates

Blast Explorer

The new Blast Mainnet Blockscout explorer is optimized for speed and availability, and features a streamlined interface and support for heavy transaction volume ( like those that may occur with highly anticipated airdrops🪂) .

Blast block explorer

Degen Chain

The latest DAppscout marketplace is now live on the Degen Chain! Explore available applications and access directly through the interface.

Dapps on degen chain

🍦Gelato RaaS

Gelato continues to onboard amazing rollups, and added 5 new testnet instances in May, all supported by Blockscout. The list of new rollups includes:

You can view the list of Gelato RaaS explorers at by selecting Gelato RaaS in filters. Look for more chains coming soon!

Gelato RaaS chains on Blockscout


Prom is a modular ZkEVM L2 enabling interoperability across various chains, including both EVM and non-EVM compatible networks. Their ecosystem campaign is kicking off with Blockscout and many other collaborators - check it ⬇️


SKALE has been running Blockscout instances for the past 4 years, and they recently migrated their older explorers to the latest Blockscout version. Learn about this migration and how SKALE is leveraging Blockscout with hubs and appchains in our exclusive interview.

SKALE block explorer
SKALE has been building out a multichain vision since 2020, creating a decentralized network of chains that support high-throughput transactions with no gas fees.

Project Updates

DexCheck AI

The DexCheck platform integrates AI-enhanced blockchain analytics and data-driven trading tools. Their new Blockscout integration gives traders fast and easy access to transactions, providing a seamless trading experience.


We added a new integration with Noves, the leading provider of translated blockchain data. Blockscout users can now quickly and painlessly understand the meaning of each transaction, without spending time trying to decipher raw technical data. Learn how to access Noves data as a user or integrate it as a project in this post ⬇️.

Blockscout + Noves: Making On-Chain Data Easy to Read
We’re excited to announce our native integration with Noves - the leading provider of translated blockchain data.


Blockscout has been leveraging SolidityScan to increase contract security for some time. This month we extended SolidityScan to cover every app in the DAppscout marketplace, providing a consolidated page of DApps along with security scores for each one.

Dappscout security scores



Genome is the .GNO domain provider built on Gnosis Chain and powered by SPACE ID 3.0. In May we partnered with Genome to provide early whitelist access for preferred names on Gnosis. .gno names are available to search now on the Gnosis Blockscout explorer.

Mode Network

.mode domains are also available thanks to SpaceID and searchable on the Blockscout Mode explorer.

Mode explorer name service

It's Conference Season!

Web3 conference season never truly starts or ends ∞🐍, but summer is filled with more opportunities to meet, shill, and chill with frens. We recently attended DAPPCON24 and ETHBerlin and had the opportunity to present several times on Blockscout and the open-source explorer renaissance!

At Dappcon DAppscout senior product manager Mike Krupin presented on security and the proactive steps Blockscout is taking to promote safety within the DAppscout marketplace.

Mikes talk starts at 2:38:58

Head of research Kirill Fedoseev presented on the mainstage on network resilience and the need for reliable, transparent, and available explorers in a multi-chain world.

Kirill's talk starts at 7:50:01


Next up, the Blockscout team is attending ETHBelgrade and presenting on the 3rd day of the conference, 5 June at 11:00. We're also co-sponsoring a party with some friends 🦞 ...register and join if you're in town!

Eth Belgrade Day 3

Pre-after party with Lobsterdao and frens

lobsterdao and frens: Belgrade edition · Luma
The first lobsterdao & frens event: Belgrade edition! Made possible thanks to the lovely frens-contributors: DeFi Saver, Daedalus, Gearbox, Blockscout,…

Web3 Security Summit

Following ETHBelgrade Mike Krupin will head to the Web3 Security Summit to continue spreading the message of DApp security for a safer blockchain experience.


Blockscout will be in Brussels 👀 look for more info on talks and events as July approaches🖤💛❤️

🔦 Community Spotlight: Huynh Danh

The Blockscout community is full of humans who are passionate about transparency, decentralization, open-source, and advancement of the entire multi-faceted blockchain ecosystem. Huynh Danh is one such individual who has been spreading the Blockscout message as an ambassador for the project. He has created multiple guides for Blockscout both in English and Vietnamese. His latest article is great for those just starting out in blockchain and looking to connect to a reliable explorer.

Blockscout 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Using the Blockscout Explorer Interface
This guide is designed for beginners navigating the Blockscout Block Explorer interface.
Blockscout 101: Hướng Dẫn Người Mới Sử Dụng Giao Diện Của Trình Khám Phá Blockscout
Bài viết này sẽ giúp những bạn mới làm quen với giao diện trình khám phá khối Blockscout
We appreciate our community members spreading the good word and reaching new audiences across the 🌏. If you are interested in helping spread the word about Blockscout, please contact us in Discord!

Premium Telegram Giveaway

We're buidling our outreach efforts and telegram presence, and we'd love for you to join us! Over the next few months we are giving away 25 premium 3-month telegram subscriptions each week. All you need to do is join the channels to be eligible to win!

Telegram premium giveaway

The Blockscout News Channel is a go to resource for all of the latest BS* (Blockscout!) updates, and the Blockscout Community Channel is a welcoming place to connect with your fellow explorers and discuss your favorite explorer topix.

We hope to see you in telegram and perhaps in person at an event this year. Please look for the team in the Blockscout T's, we'd love to meet you!

The Blockscout monthly newsletter goes out to all MyAccount community users on supported chains. We welcome your feedback on topics you'd like to see covered or any questions you have. Visit us on X or Discord to get your explorer questions answered or get your project added to our growing network list ⬇️

Networks and Chains using Blockscout Block Explorer